4 Amendments of Ádám KÓSA related to 2015/2095(INI)

Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Considers that in order to achieve long- term and sustainable solutions the migration crisis can be addressed only within the context of a European approach and not by bilateral meetings among Members States and therefore EU Member States have to strengthen cooperation on stemming and managing the migratory flows; stresses that the EU Member States have to uphold, apply and implement the existing rules, including the Dublin regulation and the Schengen acquis; calls for a new European agenda on migration under the leadership of the Commission and the European Council, underpinned by solidarity and responsibility among the Member States. This agenda might include the replacementvision of the Dublin regulation with a centralised European asylum system;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Reiterates the complexity of the development-migration nexus, diverging from the common view of development as a means to reduce, if not eliminate, migration, without denying that development can help mitigate some of the causes of forced migration, such as conflicts or state fragility; recalls that emigration rises with economic development until countries reach an upper-middle-income country status (around USD 7000-8000 per capita), at which point it begins to decrease, therefore, to achieve a long-term and sustainable solution, the actions of the EU should focus on the economies of those countries from which the migration originated and to tackle this, cooperation on stemming and managing the migration flows shall be strengthened;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 47 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Recalls that the right to leave any country, including one’s own, is enshrined in Article 13 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights; stresses that, while this is a liberty and a fundamental right that should benefit everybody, only citizens of the ‘global North’ and the wealthiest citizens of the ‘global South’ can truly exercise this rightmigrating people are obliged to respect the 1951 UN Convention relating the status of refugees and to conform to the EU laws and regulations as well as to measures taken for the maintenance of public order in the EU and its Member States when they enter into the territory of EU; stresses the need to better and fully implement the principle of ‘non- refoulement’, which, particularly for asylum seekers, is the corollary of the right to migrate, to ensure that asylum-seekers are granted protection in EU Member States and to avoid abuse, the effective identification and registration process must be guaranteed and the control of the EU external borders must be strengthened; while their right to return to their country of origin must also be ensured;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 59 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Considers the issues and problems faced by women migrants, children and migrants with disabilities in the migration process and its impact on women’stheir empowerment and human rights to be of major importance; stresses that an explicit gender and disability perspective in migration policies is vital; calls in particular for gendefor discrimination to be removed in the legal aspects of migration; insists on the need to respect the human and individual rights of the weakest among the migrants, namely people with disabilities, women and children (including the need for education for migrating and refugee children), and on the need to include these rights in the post- 2015 development agenda;
Committee: DEVE