16 Amendments of Elisabeth JEGGLE related to 2012/2041(INI)

Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 1 – point a (new)
(a) Underlines that the action plan should cover all animals under the EU animal welfare strategy, including for instance companion animals and animals used for sports, and emphasise the logical connection between animal health and the use of antimicrobials, as well as the link between animal health and human health;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Calls for the introduction of reliable approaches in order to effect a significant decrease in resistance when rearing animals; particular attention should be paid to the rearing of young animals, which often come from different breeders and are exposed to a risk of infection when brought together;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 3
3. Proposes to promote sustainable livestock systems which reduce dependency on costly and unsustainable high-risk inputs;deleted
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 5
5. Proposes phasing out systematic prophylaxis, metaphylaxis and the sub- therapeutic use of antimicrobials;deleted
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Points out that the use of antimicrobials in sub-therapeutic levels is prohibited in the EU;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 5 b (new)
5b. Calls on the Commission to ensure implementation of the ban, adopted in 2006, on antimicrobials being used as growth promoters in the Member States;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 5 c (new)
5c. Is of the view that the main objective of farmers should be to implement suitable rearing methods in order to keep their cattle healthy and productive and to safeguard their wellbeing; stresses, however, that the proper use of antibiotics in animal husbandry is necessary in order to ensure animal wellbeing;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G
G. whereas there ismay be a link between antimicrobials use in animals and the spread of resistance in humans, which requires further research; whereas there is a need for a coordinated, multisectoral policy approach to AMR targeting both practitioners and users in each sector;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 5 d (new)
5d. Points out that antimicrobial resistance in animals differs between different species and different forms of animal husbandry;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 8
8. Calls for a statutory management requirement on prudent use of antimicrobials to be developed and included in cross-compliance;deleted
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 9
9. Proposes a target of halving antimicrobial use in animal treatment in the EU by 2018, compared to 2012 figures;deleted
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 43 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 10
10. Proposes that the action point on monitoring should be strengthened by establishing a database on antimicrobial use, to be run by the appropriate competent authorities; notes that farmers are already obliged, under phytosanitary rules, to record antimicrobial applications in on-farm registers; that data can be entered electronically by farmers or by veterinarians; the raw data would be used by the competent authorities and would not be available to third parties, and collated data would be available at Member State and EU levels for monitoring purposes.deleted
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 48 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 10 a (new)
10a. Calls on the Commission to oblige the Member States to monitor the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry more efficiently and in an integrated way through the use of databases; points out that registering the use of antibiotics on farms is obligatory;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 50 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 10 b (new)
10b. Calls for separate monitoring and control by the Member States of resistance in the case of livestock, domestic animals, racing animals, etc., without giving rise to additional financial or administrative burdens for farmers, breeders or vets;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 51 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 10 c (new)
10c. Calls on the Commission to ensure that individual Member States have a fast, efficient diagnostic system; the correct use of antibiotics must be guaranteed by the opportunity to obtain precise bacteriological results quickly;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 52 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 10 d (new)
10d. Is of the view that data gathered on the use of antibiotics should be made accessible only to experts, the relevant authorities and the decision-makers concerned;
Committee: AGRI