4 Amendments of Laurence FARRENG related to 2020/2018(INL)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Considers it necessary to adopt uniform, Union-wide rules to combat hatred and disinformation andwhile protecting freedom of speech, data privacy and online security; stresses that to protect children and youth as well as, we need clarified rules governing online advertising, including on platform liability, and fair e- commerce and; calls at the same time calls for a strict distinction to be made between illegal and harmful content and cases of disinformawith precisely defined Union- wide rules applicable in each case to create a consistent regulatory process and providing greater safety, trust and empowerment for users and businesses of global platforms, ensuring an ambitious level of cybersecurity, data protection, as different rules are applicable in each casend trusted ICT services on the principles of transparency and equal treatment; suggests the harmonisation of the digital services legislation to include a broad range of online intermediaries;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Calls on platform operators not only to immediately delete illegal content after positive identification, but also to continuously transmit it to the law enforcement authorities for the purpose of further prosecution, including the metadata necessary for this purpose,; calls for a balanced approach between net neutrality and platform responsibility and accountability; addresses the issue of fake accounts and demonetisation of purveyors from disinformation and fake news;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 32 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Insists that the protection and promotion of freedom and diversity of opinion, information, the press and cultural forms of expression, as well as the protection of the privacy of communication between individuals, form the basis of liberal democracy and that this applies online without restriction; demands therefore that the use of all technologically feasible means of combatingand specific measures to detect and remove harmful or illegal content on the internet in this context be subjected to careful prior constitutional vetting and therefore rejects prior checks on content as disproportionatewhile securing access to diverse and quality content in today's digital environment; stresses that such proportionate measures should be in line with existing legal provisions;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Calls for action against hate speech, including racism, xenophobia, homophobia and gender violence to foster a safer and more secure online environment for its citizens and businesses, including cooperation with fact-checkers and researchers; encourages fight against bots and fake accounts, and providing easily recognisable online paid political advertisement; suggests providing clear boundaries to data processing for research purposes in order to facilitate a privacy-compliant access to data on political advertising; encourages online services to provide more transparency about their policies and processes for responding to illegal and harmful content and for fighting against the spread of disinformation as well as to provide transparent and clear explanation to their users on their implementing of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules;
Committee: CULT